Obedience Training

Obedience Training by Phalanx K9 Modular Dog Training

At Phalanx K9 Modular Dog Training, we emphasize foundation style dog training obedience. Our experienced trainers use a structured command system that teaches a dog or puppy to associate its name with a cue, marking that behavior using a praise word and associating that word with something positive, and rewarding on a schedule. Starting with positive reinforcement in the beginning and gradually incorporating subtle and fair corrections using phase 1-4 obedience instructions, progressing to off-leash training.

Also using tools fairly, safely and humanely like a leash martingale collar, flat collars, harnesses, starmarks, high quality stimulation E-collars, prong collars only when necessary, if the dog doesn’t need it we won’t use it. While also teaching the client how to use them appropriately/safely and understanding that any tool, including treat rewards, can be misused while teaching them how to maintain the obedience. We adhere to LIMA (Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive) methods for humane and effective results, we stress ethics and being transparent, avoiding any unnecessary misuse or abuse in training, always ending sessions on a good note and making it happy experience for you and your dog.

Unlike other trainers who either over-rely on food rewards or use harsh old school "yank and crank" or "Ecollar jockey" methods. We strive in giving your dog a good foundation in training to build on that will last a lifetime. We are transparent, ethical and fair in our approach. Our goal is to help you build a strong, lasting relationship with your new puppy or older dog through our tailored training programs. Contact us today to learn more about our obedience training.